Student Work

Research Opportunities

Collaborative research between students and faculty members is an important part of the geology program at Beloit College. Under the direction of a member of the Geology faculty, all geology majors design and implement a senior thesis research project, gather and analyze their own data, and present their results.

Research opportunities are also available through the Keck Geology Consortium which includes 17 colleges committed to undergraduate education in geology through intercollegiate programs that engage students and faculty in cooperative research. Among its founders was Beloit College Professor Emeritus Hank Woodard.


Kesley Engelke’25 looking into a microscope in the geology lab.

Summer in the Geology Lab

Kelsey Engelke’25 conducted research in the geology lab on campus with samples she collected during her field work. 

Group photo in front of Jane, the T. rex.

Geology Department Leads a Field Trip to the Burpee Museum of Natural History

The Geology Department took a group of students, faculty, and staff to the Burpee Museum to explore the Earth’s and the Wisconsin-Illinois stateline region’s natural history.

Alyssa Luna ’24

Alyssa Luna ’24 Studies Dissolved Organic Matter Properties in UT

Alyssa Luna ’24 is a Geology Major working with thesis advisor Jim Rougvie. She is studying Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Properties During Wet and Dry Years in Spanish Fork Canyon, Central Utah.

Isabel Johnson ’24

Isabel Johnson ’24 Looks At Characterizing the Ellsworth Formation of the Michigan Basin

Isabel Johnson ’24 is a Geology Major working with thesis advisor Jay Zambito. She is looking at Characterizing the Ellsworth Formation of the Michigan Basin using litho- and chemostratigraphy.

Gabe DuRussel ’24

Gabe DuRussel ’24 Interprets Geochemical Proxies in IL

Gabe DuRussel ’24 is a Geology Major working with thesis advisor Jay Zambito. He is Interpreting Geochemical Proxies in Illinois Basin Devonian Black Shale.

Jack Collier ’24

Jack Collier ’24 Determines the Origin of Paleo-Indian Artifacts from WI

Jack Collier ’24 is a Geology major working with thesis advisor Jim Rougvie. He is working on Determining the Origin of Paleo-Indian Artifacts from Wisconsin.

Phoebe Long-Sires ’25

Phoebe Long-Sires ’25 Interprets Feldspar Alteration Mechanisms in CA

Phoebe Long-Sires ’25 is a Geology major working with thesis advisor Jim Rougvie. Phoebe is interpreting Feldspar Alteration Mechanisms in Arc Volcanic Rocks from the Mount Morrison Pendant in the Sierra Nevada Range in Eastern California.


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